Sunday, May 6, 2012

At Flower Palace_Shapodang Stream Recreational Area (砂婆礑溪)

Today seems abit exhausted. Weather seems to be slightly warm. No plan at that moment. After some discussion with Jam, we decided to cycle to this “little palace” which known as Shapodang Stream.
Getting gears ready and here we GO! GO! GO!

Errantry is located very near to this "little palace". Distance estimate 3.5km. However, we still halt at 7-eleven to get drinks and snack (for tea break as both of us felt hungry even after heavy lunch...Gosh) (a◕‿◕a) 

Surprisingly upon arrival, not much people. But still saw some people swimming and fishing. Jam immediately took off his scandals...threw his barefoot into the cooling spring water! And he began to splash the water. He enjoyed it so much.... His laughters and playful thoughts had always brightened my days! 

Both Jam and I enjoyed soaking our barefoot into the super duper cooling spring water...surrounded with more than 1000m high mountains, rocks and forest. Stream source is clear, broad vision, a beautiful landscape is the upstream-lover's paradise. I was totally attracted by this beautiful nature landscape (a❤‿❤a)

Little details of this stream:

Shapodang stream (Saha Dang, Atayal language) is one of the Meilun Creek and also Hualien City’s and Jian Township water source. It also goes by the names, Sha-p'o-tang Ch'i, Sha-p'o-tang Hsi, Shapodang Xi. It is a body of running water moving to a lower level in a channel on land in the country of Taiwan. Its center lies at a latitude of 24.01667 and longitude of 121.6 and it has an elevation of 13 meters above sea level. This stunning section of river is an exciting spot for river tracing, but it isn’t technically difficult and thus suitable for just about anyone. However a permit is required for such a trip. The clean blue waters are a great place to cool down in the summer heat. Not only that, Shapodang stream is endowed with abundant natural alluvial gold, clean water and forest resources. The water is not deep at all. It is like a natural swimming pool. The water only comes up to about the knees or thighs of an adult. The water is crystal clear; the streambed can be seen as well as little fish or stream shrimp swimming in it. It is a pleasant place to spend an afternoon having picnics and barbecues, and is particularly suited for a good swim.
Location: 972, Taiwan, Hualien County, Sioulin Township, 太運材線


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