Thursday, May 17, 2012

At fLoWeR PaLaCe_Tu mAMa DuMpLiNg 涂媽媽特級香粽

During my route, Bro Lee and I pass-by this little dumpling shop. He told me that this is one of the famous dumpling in their estate...Of course, I wouldn't want to miss it and try it before I heading back to Hualien.  

Tu mAMa DuMpLiNg 涂媽媽特級香粽 - NT 30.00
It is so different from my hometown. 
Once opened, there was strong aroma of bamboo leaves floating out.
First bite without the sauce, the rice was not sticky and the smell of gravy filled inside my mouth. Added Tu mama special garlic sauce, taste was so different. The garlic smell was very strong. Combination well with the braised pork..I love it so much 
Sharing with my great friends at Hualien....thanks for sharing your experience in life, teaching me how to differentiate coffee beans, brewing coffee to enjoy my great adventurous life at Hualien ツ
Location: No. 49-1, Section 1, Zhōngzhèng North Rd, Rueisuei Township, Hualien County, Taiwan 978


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