Sunday, April 1, 2012

NeW bEgInNiNg...NeW cHallEnGe....NeW LiFe

I've been surrounded with love ones ever since I was born. Parents, siblings, relatives, friends, colleagues, not forgetting my cute nieces, nephews and grand nephew! Now it's time for me to explore and learn without them around me. I always believe that every part of life is a learning stage! So without hesitation and my strong capricious, I decided to fullfill my dream ....see god's creation_Real World alone.

Of course, fears and challenge are my best companion! Doesn't matter if my stubborn decision is right or wrong, I will try my best to conqure. A NeW bEgInNiNg...NeW cHallEnGe....NeW LiFe to add colors into my life!  ^(oo)^


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