Saturday, September 11, 2010

Moving to a new shelter

Finally managed to find a better place for these innocent furry friends!

We decided to shift back to the old place ...instead of staying in the durain plantation. The place was pretty wear out. The fixtures and fittings were not working conditions. Fortunately, we had volunteers here to help up. **Clap clap** ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶

Very exhausted but I had spent an meaningful day with them. Thanks gals and guys giving me this opportunity to lend a helping hands. I had gained alot from you!!!  

> WOW!  <
 ̄^Y^Y^^Y^Y^ ̄  Keep up the good work! ღღღ

Below were the pictures taken during the help up...

Kitchen area
Old and faulty television
Fixing up the gate door
Clearing up the drainage
Fixing up a shelf

❝ Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent.To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden,where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace. 

Mutiara Rini Dog Shelter 
Location: 147-G, Jalan Perscaran Bukit Kempas, Taman Bukit Kempas., 81200 Johore Bahru, Malaysia


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